Dairy Tales & Nursery Crimes

Daisy Daisy

Daisy Daisy got us some time to kill
Ain’t it crazy we’ve got just from now until
They take you away tomorrow
My heart is full of sorrow
But I’ll be fine on the milking line
(Till the humans can’t get their fill)

Raging hormones filling me fit to burst
Feeding humans instead of the child I nursed
They feed their kids cow growth hormone
And keep on till they’re full-grown
But they’ll soon learn that the fate they’ll earn
Hooves and horns are their final curse

Daisy Daisy look back but don’t despair
Tears are falling but who said that life was fair
My time with you should be longer
Our bond growing ever stronger
One day they’ll come with the old bolt gun
And my fate will be yours to share

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey Diddle Diddle
There’s beef on the griddle
The cow jumped over the moon
It couldn’t escape from an awful fate
So it’s off to the knackers yard soon
(knackery? abattoir?)

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill to pinch a pint of cow milk
Jack looked at the cow but didn’t know how and Jill was clueless also 
Off they ran to find some scran that didn’t need a mammal
There’s plenty of food that doesn’t include stealing from an animal

Old Mother Hubbard

Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard 
To get her small child a drink
But when they got there the udders were bare
So they enjoyed some plant milk

Little Bairn Muffet 

Little bairn Muffet sat on a buffet
Waiting to milk a cow
The cow said you’re crazy that milk’s for my Daisy
Young Muffet drinks plant milk now

Thank You Cow

Thank you cow for milk so sweet
Thank you cow for meat we eat
Thank you cow for the food so nice
Thank you for your sacrifice

Thank you cow we know you now
Thank you cow you showed us how
Thank you for your gentle ways
Thank you, now live out your days